Many ACT-IAC events are eligible to earn Continuous Learning Points (CLPs). CLPs are recognized education credits that participants can use toward professional development goals. CESL is the Army Civilian Leadership Development Program for GS 13-15 Supervisors and Non-supervisory GS Employees. It is conducted through blended learning – four weeks of DL followed by four and a half days of resident training.
NCO Worldwide
The NCO Worldwide program offers a number of Army leadership courses. The Foundation Course is an online course designed for non-supervisors in grades GS 1-9 and is available on a continuous basis. The Advanced Course is required for GS 13-15 supervisors and encouraged for non-supervisors in advancing to leadership positions. The course is offered through blended learning – the first phase is ATRRS DL, and the second is four weeks of resident training. NCO Worldwide also conducts the eight-academic-day Additional Duty First Sergeant Seminar and graduates about 500 senior noncommissioned officers each year.
The Leader Safety Course, which replaced the Commander Safety Course, Manager Safety Course, and Supervisor Safety Course, is open for enrollment through ATRRS. Tuition, travel and per diem are centrally funded by the Army so it doesn’t come out of your unit budget.
Office of the Inspector General
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is a statutorily created independent entity within the Department of Justice with statutory law enforcement authority. The President appoints the Inspector General subject to Senate confirmation and reports to the Attorney General and Congress.
The OIG investigates alleged misconduct, waste, fraud, mismanagement, and/or inefficiency in executive branch agencies, including the Armed Forces, and their components and activities. It also oversees the OIG hotline and provides independent audits, inspections, reviews, analyses, and consultations.
OIG investigations are conducted in accordance with the Inspector General Act, Departmental directives, and professional standards. In addition, the Inspector General conducts an in-depth peer review of its investigations and their underlying procedures at least every three years.
For Army Civilians, the Advanced Course focuses on leaders skilled in leading complex organizations that support National Security and Defense strategies; integrating Army and Joint systems; inspiring vision and creativity; implementing change; and managing programs. This training is completed through a blended learning approach that includes a DL phase and four weeks of resident training at a university campus. Tuition, travel, and per diem are centrally funded, so the cost does not come out of your unit budget.
This new course, which replaces the Commander Safety Course, Manager Safety Course, and Supervisor Safety Course, is now open for enrollment in ATRRS. It equips commanders and directors with tools to manage their unit’s Safety and Occupational Health program.
Deployed Digital Training Campus
The Army is deploying mobile digital training classrooms called Deployed Digital Training Campuses (DDTC) that help Soldiers stay on top of their military education, even when they’re overseas. The DDTCs are equipped with laptop workstations, two-way video teletraining and designated satellite access. They can be classified or unclassified and are capable of supporting 20 students simultaneously. The DDTCs are operated by PEO EIS’ Army Training Information System (ATIS).
The DDTC program is based on the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Learning Concept 2015, emphasizing the importance of technology access to military online learners to stay ahead of the mission. It also supports the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program’s goal to help National Guard and Reserve members and their Families remain connected with their Army education programs and benefits while they are deployed.
DDTCs are currently being deployed to brigade-sized units to enable them to stay on top of their training while on deployment. They are a great way to ensure that Soldiers don’t fall behind in their educational courses, because they can use them to take self-paced DL courses or online military degree programs.
Those who successfully complete the Foundation Course can attend the Advanced Course, a four-week resident course at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The Advanced Course focuses on developing Army Civilians skilled in leading complex organizations by integrating the Army and Joint systems in support of defense strategies; inspiring vision and creativity; implementing change; and managing programs. The Army largely covers the Advanced Course costs, including tuition, travel, and per diem.
Ready Army
Ready Army provides Soldiers, their Families, and Army Civilians with resources and programs to promote healthy living and personal readiness. Its mission is to help build connected and engaged communities and foster a culture of trust, while promoting positive family engagement and support. The Army’s daily demands include day-to-day competition across the globe, responding to crises at home and abroad, and preparing for conflict (including the Four D’s).
Prioritizing People First is a key focus of Ready Army initiatives. These improvements include upgrading Army culture and team cohesion, improving healthcare, childcare, spousal employment, and moving to a more flexible deployment system. The service also works toward a transformed force through modernization efforts that prioritize long-range precision fires, next-generation combat vehicles, future vertical lift, and air and missile defense.
Army civilians are the backbone of our military, and it’s critical to equip them with the tools they need to be successful in today’s highly complex, readiness-based environment. The Army’s Operation READY suite of training and resource materials — designed for Family program staff, unit leaders, Chaplains, and family members — helps them better understand the Army and its unique culture. These Operation READY resources include a facilitator’s guide and handbooks for Army Families and Soldiers/DA Civilians. They are available at centers across the country, for active-duty military, Guard and Reserve components.