There are several advantages to completing resident military training, and many individuals are unaware of the benefits. This article will discuss several of the benefits. In addition, it will provide information about the Air War College, Judge Advocate General Legal Center, and Senior NCO Academy. By completing these courses, you will be well-prepared for a career in the military. Here are the top three advantages. Interested? Read on to learn more. Let’s begin!
Navy College of Distance Education
The Navy College of Distance Education (NCDE) provides resident military training for all branches of the armed forces. These classes are taught online in a seminar-style format. They take approximately 15 weeks and are offered in various geographic locations. ECDEP seminar courses are not self-paced; you are expected to meet weekly deadlines and turn in assignments. All seminar programs are graded based on class contributions, quizzes, and writing assignments. These courses require internet access and are conducted via MarineNet Moodle.
The college also offers a National Security Studies program that engages students in the study of national security while developing critical thinking skills. Students who successfully complete this program will gain a comprehensive understanding of U.S. national security policy, military strategy, and the role of national leaders. These courses are designed to prepare students for careers in the military and in government, as well as to serve in civilian positions. The course also introduces military leaders and their responsibilities.
The Navy College of Distance Education program is made up of accredited colleges that participate in the SOCNAV partnership program. Each college in the partnership has agreed to recognize credits earned through other institutions and serve as the student’s long-term degree plan. This helps students find programs that meet the specific requirements of their respective rating. Thus, these courses are relevant to military professional training and help students earn their desired degrees. With an online education, military training can be taken at home, at the convenience of any location.
The Navy College of Distance Education is a distance learning program that provides students the opportunity to complete their intermediate professional military education requirements. The non-resident Command and General Staff Officer Course is offered by the department of Distance Education. Students can complete the program through the evening Fleet Seminar Program. The program is comprised of two components: the correspondence program and the web-enabled course. This program is geared toward a wide variety of military careers.
Students interested in military training can pursue one of several programs. The fleet seminar program consists of three core courses from the College of Naval Command and Staff. Applications are open through May 31. There is no tuition fee for the seminars, and the course materials are provided on a loan basis. The program is available to both active-duty and reserve Navy E-8s and other enlisted leaders from the U.S. military.
Air Force Senior NCO Academy
The Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) is a six-week course that aims to provide leadership skills and training in management and command. The curriculum also develops military strategy. It cultivates future leaders for an ever-changing environment. The SEA’s resident curriculum is comprised of both online and residential courses. The prerequisites for SEA are Navy Primary PME or equivalent. The Academy also offers blended courses.
Previously, major commands developed their own lesson plans based on organizational culture and priorities. For example, in one command, NCOs might attend a school that focused on drills, while in another command, emphasis would be placed on personnel management. This created a conflicting educational experience, and savvy Air Force leaders realized the need for consistency. By centralizing course content, they removed disparate priorities, improved professionalism, and eliminated redundant educational experiences.
SNCOs can also opt for distance learning, which offers advanced PME. The distance learning course will enhance leadership and management capabilities and broaden perspectives of the military profession. It takes 12 months to complete. The time frame between attending the SNCOA and the NCO academy is reduced by two years. This will improve the return on investment of advanced PME. A student will graduate with a certificate and a commission, and be eligible for promotions as a senior master sergeant or chief master sergeant.
An NCO learning environment is one that recognizes individual needs. It is structured to offer job experiences, training, and education that fit the individual needs of each student. Formal classroom training only provides 20-30% of the learning a Soldier will need throughout their career. The vast majority of the rest comes from experiences, informal social networks, mentoring, and teamwork. In short, the NCO learner has to go beyond the comfort zone.
The curriculum of the Senior Enlisted Academy emphasizes critical thinking and communication. Students will participate in a role-play exercise based on DIME concepts. Communication is an essential element of effective leadership and management, and the curriculum also includes topics in effective writing, extemporaneous speaking, and organizational communication. The curriculum includes four written essays and five oral presentations. The curriculum also requires students to participate in an extensive training program that is relevant to their future in the Air Force.
Air War College
The Air Force recently began a pilot program to enroll senior enlisted personnel in professional military education training at the Air War College. The goal of this program is to develop military enlistees with strategic potential and prepare them to serve directly in Air Force headquarters and other joint military structures. It is expected to take from seven to twelve months to complete the program. For the first two years of the program, all students must complete a bachelor’s degree and have served between 18 and 23 years in the Air Force.
The Air War College resident military training program consists of ten months of postgraduate-level courses and requires 36 semester-credit hours of coursework. A graduate of this program from Maxwell AFB receives the Master of Strategic Studies (MSS). Non-residents may also complete the resident program through a parallel, 10-month classroom seminar program at the Pentagon or other USAF installations worldwide. In both cases, students earn graduate-level academic credit.
The cost to attend the Air Force’s graduate school program is estimated to be between $240,000 and $2.6 million. The Air Force also estimates the cost of enlisted attendance at the Air War College to be $240,000 or more. The costs of attending Air War College, if you’re an enlisted Airman, are $2.6 million. The cost of training varies by the branch of service and the program, but the enlisted training is highly regarded by employers and peers in the military.
The student’s curriculum at the Air War College includes both basic and advanced course work. The program emphasizes leadership, national security, the profession of arms, and warfighting. Students typically complete the training in a year and a half. However, the program requires a student to reside at the college for the first two years. A student may take up to 60 months to complete the program. These programs require a year of residence, and they require a military-oriented mindset.
The Air Force War College is a postgraduate program that functions as a senior professional military education school. The curriculum emphasizes joint knowledge, skills, and attributes that senior officers and national security civilians need to become effective leaders in a complex world. The curriculum includes seminars, simulation exercises, and electives. Students will have the opportunity to travel abroad and participate in a national security symposium. There are also several benefits to attending the Air Force War College.
Judge Advocate General Legal Center and School of the Army
The Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School conduct graduate-level legal education for military law and provides nonresident and resident courses for judge advocates and attorneys. The center also develops and prescribes the legal curriculum for other Army schools and programs, and supports the legal community by providing legal literature and doctrine. This article provides an overview of how the Judge Advocate General’s Corps functions and what makes it unique.
The Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) provides legal assistance to the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, other Army agencies, and members. The Office also supports the Judge Advocate General’s School. Legal support is essential in combat operations, and a judge advocate who is well-versed in military law is an asset to the force. A judge advocate is responsible for ensuring that legal support is responsive, flexible, and effective.
In addition to training military law, the JAGCC develops lessons-learned across all military legal disciplines and serves as the primary legal adviser to the Secretary of the Army. These lessons-learned are used to support judge advocates in the field, including DoD law of war. They also support Judge Advocate Legal Service members and are the primary source of legal assistance for the Army Staff. The center engages in continuous information exchange with Combat Training Centers and legal education programs.
After completing their residency in the JAG Corps, new judge advocates are assigned a tour of duty in different locations, depending on the needs of the Army and the JAG Corps. During the first four-year tour, new judge advocates may be assigned to additional locations. This includes combat zones, as the Army maintains bases in various locations, including the continental United States and in several international locations.
The Army legal corps is comprised of approximately 1,500 attorneys. Army lawyers have specialized training in international, domestic, and constitutional law. Their duties include reviewing military plans, interpreting laws of war, and ensuring compliance with rules of engagement. Army lawyers also serve as advisers to military commanders on the rules of engagement, government ethics, and other legal issues. Additionally, Army attorneys are involved in information operations and anti-drug operations.